Thursday, February 27, 2014

Mobile Apps for Your IT Support

Customers want their queries to be acknowledged and solved quickly & in a time-bound banner and more so when they’re dealing with an IT services or eCommerce company. But small and medium scale enterprises do not always have the budget to outsource tech support to a dedicated company having the required resources, infrastructure and software tools.
IT Support
This is where mobile apps for tech support can be really helpful. Listed below is a compilation of 4 highly useful mobile apps for your IT support:
1. for Tech Support provides one of the most reliable and robust customer support applications. The application has a mobile counterpart too and it allows you to track, resolve and re-assign different support tickets on the go. Even if you’ve a small team or most team members spend working hours in the field, you can collaborate and successfully resolve ITsupport queries on the go.
2. UserVoice
A mobile tech support app, User Voice allows you to easily handle client queries and there’re no time or location constraints. As many as 40 percent of all queries (in case you’re offering B2C services) can be solved through UserVoice’s Instant Answers! The system automatically picks most natural answers from a predetermined set of articles & forums by matching queries. Queries are gathered from various website forms and fed to the User Voice system where you can track and resolve them.
3. ClickDesk
ClickDesk makes use of existing Instant Messengers and VoiP services such as Google Talk and Skype. Client queries are instantly passed on to all agents online and the best part – all calls made to your mobile support center arte Toll Free! Customers would be reaching you via Skype and queries are created, assigned or updated through a user friendly interface.
4. FreshDesk
Compatible with multiple platforms including Android, iOS and Blackberry, FreshDesk allows your team members to provide tech support to clients even when they are not in office. Tech support team members can easily pass email commands to troubled customers. Priority levels can be set for reach support ticket/query.
These are 4 of the most popular mobile apps that small & medium scale web design & development companies, eCommerce enterprise and other such businesses are currently using. Depending upon your budget and the kind of features you want a tech support mobile app to have, you may also consider trying out FAQ, Zopism, Parature, Zendesk, Nina Mobile, Kayako, IdeaScale etc.

You don’t really have to be chained to a desktop system to be able to provide tech support to clients but yes, you do need a working strategy for distributing tech support tasks among different members so that queries are resolved quickly and to the satisfaction of troubled customers. 

Friday, February 14, 2014

Ten Reasons to Outsource your IT Services in 2014

Outsourcing IT services is ideal for all small and medium scale businesses that need Information Technology solutions but are not in a position to afford an in-house team or private hardware. Even large scale companies such as banks, hotels etc. in Singapore and elsewhere outsource some IT functions to dedicated firms. 
IT Services
Listed below are top 10 reasons why you too should outsource your IT services in 2014:
1. With a dedicated IT support company in Singapore, you gain access to a vast pool of IT resources without having to shell out a great deal of money. You’d have the smartest of IT support engineers, cloud computing experts and other such professionals merely a call away when you need them!
2. Achieve higher productivity by having all your staff concentrate on core business activities and not downtime, network connectivity, data integrity or other such issues.
3. You can eliminate the possibilities of downtime and other such inefficiencies which result from technical failures, operating system errors, network connectivity issues, manual backup systems etc.
4. When you opt for dedicated IT support in Singapore by partnering with a credible company, you also gain access to a host of services and solutions through their supplier network. Such services and solutions are made available (through group purchasing power) at a relatively cheaper cost.
5. Network security threats, as you know, are very real. Also, there’re complicated security regulations & compliances regulations that need to be adhered to. With a partner IT support company by your side, you can be assured of the fact that all such legal requirements are being taken care of.
6. You gain immediate access to a wide range of consultancy services. For example, if you’d like to know about high availability systems or whether they are suitable for your business, you need not spend a week carrying out online research. An expert would be a call away.

IT Services in Singapore
7. You will have resources that are not otherwise available in-house. Budget restraints will no longer keep you from trying out a better service or deploying an advanced IT solution.
8.  Managing potential risks with a dedicated IT support company in Singapore is easy. From data backups to network security, an IT services partner would take care of all issues of importance for your business.
9. IT costs are often variable but a service provider can be paid monthly. That means, it’d be possible for you to plan your budget more easily.
10.  When you outsource your IT services to a good company, you can be assured of being ahead of the competition. For example, if you start using some technologies today and manage to cut costs, your competitors (who’re not in partnership with a good IT company) may take another year or more to do the same.