Wednesday, May 14, 2014

5 Reasons Why Your Backups Aren’t Secure Enough

When we talk about backups, people usually think of tapes, DVDs, hard disks and flash storage. Fair enough. All of these are quite useful for having a complete system backup at the end of day. A lot of people feel burned with their hectic schedule and find little or no time for taking routine backups in DVDs and hard disks.

An online backup with auto sync option is a good way to replace such old backup methods. There’re some exceptions too; some people rate offline backups as more secure alternative to online ones i.e. the Cloud storage.

Given below are 5 points which offer some of the great reasons why your cold backups are not secure anymore.

1. A Disaster Ruin Your Data

Performing a full backup may require multiple discs/disks once a recording session is finalized.
The basement area (probably) where you used to archive backups is always prone to natural calamities such as fire, flood etc. A single natural calamity can damage all of your data in seconds. Yes, they do not come around every now and then.

But, are you ready to take the chances?  

2. Data Inconsistency
Data can be replicated only when the update is complete. An erroneous or old copy of data can lead to data inconsistency, crashing the entire project.

3. Risk of Theft
Physical infrastructure on-site is prone to thefts. Unless your backups are completely disconnected from the network and stored in isolation, scammers can access your confidential data, corrupt it or just erase it.  

4. Device Failure
A hard drive or DVD crash means complete loss of data stored in it. And such failures are very common.

5. Malware Attack

Ineffective security solutions at your end may result in malware or other such attacks. 

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