Thursday, September 18, 2014

Ways of Adding Value with Cloud Computing

As the wave of Cloud computing gathers speed, companies, big and small, are acknowledging the fact that various economic benefits can be entailed by using services of Cloud providers. The economics of IT is changing, and perhaps what is heartening for people choosing to go the Cloud way, is that the trend shows little signs of slowly any time soon. It is believed that, or rather theoretically proven that the trend of Cloud is slated to grow and manifold with the benefits increasing exponentially. As a result of the economic value that Cloud provides, soon money could be thrust into other areas of concern for large economies thereby ushering an era of change through IT alone.

Some of the value adds that Cloud can provide to your business are:
1. Elastic consumption
If you have implemented cloud in your company, you are probably no longer doing manual tasks that you used to before. Cloud introduces the automation of most practices in a company which make it flexible for the financial investors in the firm to save some money. As a result, significant capital expenditure is eliminated and a company enjoys the privilege of pay-as-you-go services. Migrating to cloud eliminates risks that are usually associated with static IT projects, thereby allowing the business to maintain its agility. This elasticity, offered by Cloud services enables a company to take on infrastructural challenges that their own in-house IT department would not be able to support. Consequently, the bedrocks of your business become elastic enough to be scale a company both ways, with immense ease, and without compromising on maintaining continuity and growth.
2. The economy of its scale
Most companies according to a recent study by Microsoft are only just waking to the realization that Cloud implementation can significantly cut costs. According to the analysis the scale of economics as was significantly low, as compared to the latest findings. The current trend suggests that cloud could one day deliver computing strength at costs 80 percent lower than the current prices. This trend has been predicated on three factors: the supply side, where Cloud can purchase and operate with cheaper infrastructure; demand-side, where these purchases can be utilized efficiently by pooling users; and multi-tenancy, which allows the sharing of resources, thereby sharing cost. For companies to foster and take complete advantage of the Cloud computing trend, it is essential to understand the underlying economics as well.
3. It promotes innovation
One of the more romantic advantages for implementing Cloud is that it frees your resources for other tasks. Most companies, especially the smaller ones bank on keeping their heads above water, by at least keeping the office and their infrastructure in place. Maintenance alone, of this infrastructure can eat away into a company’s revenue stream, thereby leaving little scope for investment into noble initiatives, or even new user and in-house change requests. This is where Cloud would provide stakeholders a breather. By freeing resources, that were previously pillaring the company’s foundation, can also contribute towards experimentation and genesis of fresh ideas. Resources that are freed, as a result of Cloud implementation can prove to be more productive as compared to earlier times.

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